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US should respond to hostage's death 본문

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US should respond to hostage's death

eliotshin 2007. 7. 31. 16:16

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It's a real grief to see the second sacrifice in Afghanistan. Why should the young Korean be killed by Taliban? Just because he is a christian or he is a Korean not a US citizen? After Mr.Bae died we really didn’t expect the second death will happen because the Korean government deployed a special official and President Roh promised to keep effort to rescue our innocent people. More over aren’t we a really friendly nation of US who has the real power to control this situation? What the worse situation it is, we already have two cold bodies!!

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사용자 삽입 이미지
   I am not interested in distorted history among US and Afghanistan and I don’t want to blame US’s invasion into Afghanistan but I really want to blame that you two countries are killing our innocent young people. One life is more precious than any other principle or ideology. Are you kidding with weak yellow korean’s lives? Doesn’t it deserve to rescue them with the sacrifice of your interest or dignity? What’s the key ideology of your country? What’s the No.1 principle of US’s politics? If your citizen was captured by Taliban, what would you have done for him until now? Now the hostage is not a solo, it’s a really big group including weak women.


사용자 삽입 이미지
If we Korea is a really your friendly nation and deserves to maintain our relationship, please break your unreasonable principle of ‘no more deal with terrorism’. Do not overlook our people’s death and please stand on this stage with powerless Afghanistan government set aside. We don’t’ believe the Afghanistan government can do successful deal with Taliban. Now is the last chance to save other innocent Koreans. Please...