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세계 최고령 블로거 108의 나이에 지다 본문

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세계 최고령 블로거 108의 나이에 지다

eliotshin 2008. 7. 15. 03:05
얼마전 MBC PD 수첩의 오역 논란이 있었던터라 (제가 보기에 문맥상 아주 큰 문제는 아니더만...) 번역에 조심스럽습니다. 가끔씩 어려운 숙어나 슬랭은 잘못 해석하기도 하는 수준이니 감안하시고 보삼.
CNN에서 퍼왔습니다.

July 14, 2008 -- Updated 0726 GMT (1526 HKT)

'World's oldest blogger' dies at 108

요거 번역하면 무시한다고 할까봐 통과
By Saeed Ahmed
(CNN) -- An Australian woman often described as the world's oldest blogger has died at the age of 108 after posting a final message about her ailing health but how she sang "a happy song, as I do every day."최고령으로 알려진 호주 여성이 108세의 나이로 마지막 포스팅을 한후 숨졌는데, 그녀가 병석에서도 하루하루 어떻게 행복하게 노래했는가라는 내용이었다.
Olive Riley posted more than 70 entries on her blog -- or "blob" as she jokingly called it -- since February 2007

Olive Riley posted more than 70 entries on her blog -- or "blob" as she jokingly called it -- since February 2007

Olive Riley died Saturday at a nursing home in New South Wales.

Riley posted more than 70 entries on her blog -- or "blob" as she jokingly called it -- since February 2007.

On the site, The Life of Riley, and in a series of videos post on YouTube, Riley mused on her day-to-day life. She also recounted living through two world wars and raising three children on her own while working as a cook and a bar maid.
유투브에서 '릴리의 삶'이라는 동영상 시리즈로 유명했던 릴리는 자신의 블로그에 그녀의 일상생활에 대해 기록했다 - 두차례의 세계대전과 어떻게 그녀가 세 자녀를 키웠는지 등등

"She had a wonderful memory, and an amazing zest for life," said her friend Eric Shackle, who met Riley at a nursing home while visiting his wife, who has since passed. "Just two weeks ago, she recalled the words of a song that was popular before World War II, and sang the chorus with me."
이미 세상을 떠난 와이프를 간호하다가 그녀를 알게된 에릭이라는 친구는, 이주전에는 2차대전 전의 노래들을 회상했었다고 한다. 코러스를 넣어가면서 말이지

In a post titled "Washing Day," Riley wrote: "You 21st Century people live a different life than the one I lived as a youngster in the early 1900s. Take washing day, for instance. These days you just toss your dirty clothes into a washing machine, press a few switches, and it's done."
'세탁일'이라는 포스팅에서 릴리는, "당신들 21세기 사람들은말야 내가 젊었을때 경험한 1900년대와 너무 다른 삶을 살고 있지. 예들들어 너네는 세탁물을 세탁기에 넣고 버튼 몇개로 끝이지"

She then described how she helped do laundry as a youngster, starting with finding "a few pieces of wood to fire the copper for Mum."
그녀가 젊었을때는 불을 지피기위해 나무부터 찾아야했다고...

"When the water in the copper began to boil, Mum would add a cupful of soap chips, and throw in a cube of Reckitt's Blue wrapped in a muslin bag to whiten the clothes," she wrote. "Then she put in all the dirty clothes, first rubbing out the stains with a bar of Sunlight soap. ... that was jolly hard work."
"물이 끓으면 어머니가 비누를 넣고, 표백제도 넣고, 그리고나서 더러운 옷을 넣었지. 박박 비벼서 태양 비누에 때를 없애면서 말이지"

Don't Miss 잠깐만...

Riley was born in 1899 and would have turned 109 on October 20. She took up blogging at the suggestion of Mike Rubbo, who filmed a documentary on her life four years ago.
릴리는 1899년에 태어나서 돌아오는 10월에 109세가 되는데, 그녀는 4년전 그녀의 삶을 조명했던 다큐벤터리감독 마이크 루보의 제안에 따라 블로깅을 시작했다.

"First of all, I had to explain to her what a blog was and that took some doing," Rubbo said. "Then I got across the idea it was sort of a diary that she would share with the world.
"무엇보다도 그녀에게 블로그가 무엇인지 설명이 필요했는데, 문득 블로그란게  그녀가 세상과 나누는 일기라는 생각이 번쩍 들었죠" 루보는 말했다.

"The reason for its popularity is that she was such a standout talent -- just so touching and funny and such a great story teller."
"그녀가 인기 있었던 이유는, 그녀가 매우 감동적이고, 재미있으면서 얘기하길 좋아했다는 점이다"

Various others have at times been labeled the world's oldest blogger, including Spain's Maria Amelia who was born in 1911 and given a blog by "my grandson, who is very stingy."

Riley was 12 years older than Amelia. 몇몇 고령의 블로거들이 또 있었지만 스페인의 블로거에 비해서 릴리가 12살 더 고령이었다.

In her final post, dated June 26, Riley wrote how she felt weak "and can't shake off that bad cough." 6월26일 마지막 포스팅에서, 릴리는 스스로 병약함을 느끼고 지독한 기침을 떨쳐버릴수 없었는지 얘기했다.

She wrote of singing a "happy song, as I do every day," with a visitor to the nursing home, "and before long we were joined by several nurses, who sang along too. It was quite a concert!" 그녀는 요양원의 방문자와함께 노래를 불렀던걸 포스팅했는데. "내가 행복한 노래를 매일매일 부르면,  곧 우리 모두가 여러 간병인들과 노래를 따라불렀지. 그건 멋찐 콘서트였어"라고.

블로깅은 보여주기위한 글이기도 하지만 스스로의 고백이고 삶의 노래라는 생각이 드네요. 블로거 여러분 스스로 행복한 포스팅을 하시길 바래요...