Insight & Wisdom

china joy 패널토의 자료 공유 - 미래 엔터테인먼트 앱 트렌드

eliotshin 2012. 7. 29. 00:40

중국에서 가장 큰 게임쇼이자, 규모면에서 가희 세계 최대라 할 수 있는 차이나조이가 매년 이맘때쯤 열립니다. 하도 더워서 '사우나조이'라는 닉네임도 있지요. 올해는 바람이 불어주어 그렇게 덥지 않았습니다. 하늘도 참 파랬구요.

내로라하는 전세계 게임기업, 모바일게임 기업이 모두 참여하는 대형 행사인데, 

그중에 한 파트인 WWECON 세미나가 열렸습니다. 4일간 진행된 세미나 중, 제가 참여한 패널토의 자료를 공유합니다. 제가 준비하는 과정에서 작성한 건데요, '미래 모바일 엔터테인먼트/게임 앱 트렌드'란 주제였습니다.

혹 작은 인사이트가 도움이 될까하여 공유합니다.

네오위즈차이나가 중국 모바일에 깃발 들었습니다. 좋은 컨텐츠 주시면 잘 로컬화한 후, 중국내 파트너들과 함께 두루두루 퍼뜨리도록 하겠습니다. (제휴문의, 신동원 법인장)


Neowiz is a leading korean game company. We had outstanding performance with 'crossfire' published with Tencent.
We have music portal site in Korea, called bugs music. Neowiz is also global mobile game publisher. We launched 'LONDON 2012 official Olympic mobile game' gobally as the official partner of London Olympic. We are cooperating with many influential chinese mobile platforms.

Neowiz China is the 'bridge' between China and overseas countries. We source great mobile contents from overseas outstanding developers. We do localization, distribution and channeling partnership with various chinese big platforms. The other side, we do sourcing great chinese mobile stuff into korean market, for we are leading mobile publisher in Korea. We already sourced two chinese mobile games, one is 'Haiyapi Kingdom' and the other is 'War2 victory' from Wistone.
We wanna be a good bridge between china and global market.


·         Issues and topics are regarding trends in China’s mobile gaming/entertainment markets; Mobile games – current challenges and future developments;

=> Chinese users are eager to buy 4,000 RMB high end smart phone but they are reluctant to buy 6RMB paid app. They do jail break and hacking to save cost. They copy global IP with localized design and exact same function.
Red Rose is so beautiful and seems very potential but it has a lot of spines around it. This is chinese market. It is huge and looks delicious but it hurts us if we are not well positioned.

Future development expected trend is summarized as below.

1. Mobile game will be mixed with social function more and more to raise users' loyalty and playing time. Online game users are usually addicted into movie like fantasy but mobile game users' main motivation is just for killing time or fun. That's why most of mobile game's life cycle is much shorter than online game. Mobile game itself is not enough, it should provide other social function or other motivation for users. Also it will be much close to present online game function. Until now mobile game's main genre was just strategic game not showing real battle or process. But more and more user will experience real battle and real playing with high density graphic and rapid speed. Gaming feeling will be much like real online game and webgame. Web and mobile platform will be transactioned each other and users will commute between mobile and web freely.

2. Mobile stuff will be total entertainment and related industry integraed one. Rovio provided angray bird android version for free in chinese market just adding mobile advertisement. And now they announced they will set up theme park in Shanghai. Talking Tom is also for free just for fun from user's perspective, and they are getting revenue from different side. They are selling character and brand licence to various character product providers. 
Now we can ask ourselves that angry bird and talking tom are mobile games or global license IP? Yes it is a mobile game but its real value lies in global intelectual property. 
Like this case, more and more mobile stuff will be positioned as total entertainment IP.

3. Mobile stuff will be mixed with other function or genre. To teach English to child, MMO game will be adopted into english training contents. Parents who worry about children's game addiction, will be happy to see that their child is playing english education game everyday. 
Free mobile travel guide app will be popular among mobile users and finally they will publish this contents into digital book and offline real guide book as well. Also this mobile travel guide will be mixed with Location Based Service for real time guide to specific spot.
Clouding note service can be adopped to digital publishing market. For inside clouding account, there are a lot of valuable personal knowledge and information. Digital book is not just for reading and publishing as traditional style, but in the future, digital publishing will be mixed with multi media function, video, flash even with user's real time comment and feedback. 

·         Investments in mobile games and entertainments – challenges and trends;

·         For Neowiz: challenges and opportunities for foreign mobile gaming company in China; what are the best practices for foreign mobile players to enter the China market?
=> In china, there are a lot of challedges to endure as foreign company with different culture and government regulation. As we do follow Rome' law in Rome, we should follow chinese way. Chinese market is definitely biggest market in the world, Revenue side it is 10 times bigger than korean market. Now chinese users are reluctant to pay 6RMB paid app but it will be changed some day. Look at the online shopping mall case. 5 years ago, not so many people were forcasting that chinese young people will usually buy clothe from online shopping mall. How can user buy without trying to wear it? But now most of white collar workers, especially women are buying clothe from online mall. 
For mobile stuff, as my personal forcasting it will take around  2 to 3 years to burst into buying habit. But when it starts, majority revenue will be driven from mobile not from pc end. For PC is too heavy to carry.

As foreign mobile gaming company, we should know our content's value first. What is diffenentiated value over other competing contents. It should be light and small file sized, for china is big and network speed is limited. It should have very local charming chinese brand. Chinese language is based on meaning not on pronunciation. We should remind chinese users of memoriable feeling with our local brand. Tutorial and translation should be very friendly wording. It should have local payment and locan SNS function. We should be ready for distributing into various local chinese markets and should have good network with them.

·         For Hupu: current market environment for online sports-related games in China; challenges in developing the right sports-games; How will the sports industry mesh with the mobile internet markets

·         For NAC: challenges and opportunities in investing in the mobile entertainment sectors; what do investors look for in the mobile markets, and what should entrepreneurs do now to succeed in the mobile entertainment market?

·         Possible brief Q&A session with the audience.