Insight & Wisdom

일본 KDDI사의 혁신적 서비스

eliotshin 2009. 7. 13. 11:17
au Smart Sports: Self-improvement through Sports

Figure: sportio
au offers new lifestyle proposals in response to individual customer concerns. One of these is au Smart Sports, a service that supports self-improvement through sports. Utilizing GPS, the running and walking support application Run&Walk records how far the user has run or walked and how many calories he or she has burned, enabling the data to be checked by mobile phone or computer. In addition, integration with LISMO enables wireless listening to favorite music while running or walking. au will continue to offer new ways to enjoy sports.
이 서비스는 GPS를 이용해서 개인의 운동량, 칼로리 소비량을 모바일과 컴퓨터로 관리해 주는 서비스입니다. 바쁜 일상에서 개인이 얼마나 운동을 하는지를 관리할 수 있다면 유용한 서비스가 될 것 같다.

Preparing for Emergencies, for Peace of Mind Even during a Crisis

Figure: Disaster Evacuation Navi
au strives to develop services that assist with customer safety and security during emergencies. These services include Emergency Earthquake Bulletins containing information from the Japan Meteorological Agency sent by C-mail to every au mobile phone in an area where an earthquake has occurred. In addition, when a major disaster occurs, KDDI provides Disaster Message Boards for au users living in the area to post safety information via the EZweb internet connection service, as well as Disaster Evacuation Navi, which helps guide users via GPS to the nearest evacuation center even if it is difficult to get a mobile phone connection.
지진이 많은 일본에서는 지진이 과거에 어디에서 발생이 했었고, 긴급히 피할 수 있는 장소가 어디인지를 알려준다면 가치있는 서비스일거다.